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    Enhance Your Employee Satisfaction and Productivity with Expense Management System

    November  22, 2023

    Inefficient expense management processes frustrate employees like nothing else. It becomes one of the major challenges for them to navigate the complexities of manual expense filing, proving the legitimacy of the bill, and waiting for reimbursement. Submitting receipts of transactions itself is a major hurdle as it demands significant time and effort. Most organizations depend on manual processes, which involve filling claims forms, handing over paper receipts, and waiting for the request to go through multiple hoops.

    Overcoming these challenges requires a robust employee expense management system. With a platform to manage your expense and reimbursement procedures, you don’t just simplify the end-to-end expense journey but also enhance employee experience.

    Key roadblocks that the expense management system removes

    Employees feel frustrated and demotivated when their expense claims are delayed or worse rejected due to process inefficiencies. You can avoid employee demoralization by digitalizing the expense management system. Three key issues that it solves are discussed below:

    • Inaccurate Reimbursements: Manual expense management procedures are often associated with mistakes, accounting errors, and other inaccuracies, which ultimately affect reimbursements.
    • Corporate Policy Violations: Enforcing expense policies manually sets your employees up for violation because of confusion or unclear communication. It will lead to the erroneous submission of travel expenses, which are rejected, further demoralizing employees.
    • Delay in Reimbursements: Finance leaders spend days verifying a single expense report as they will have to refer to multiple documents placed in different folders. The unavailability of teams to clear any doubts or verify partially damaged paper receipts could add days to the entire process.

    Expense Management System Influences Employee Productivity

    An expense management system adds significant value to overall employee experience affecting your workplace culture. It typically relies on automating expense reporting steps, making it easier. It eliminates the hassle of carrying around paper bills or waiting for weeks for the finance team to clear their claims. Let’s explore the benefits of an expense management system that improves employee satisfaction resulting in increased productivity.

    Streamline employee onboarding

    The expense management system familiarises employees with filing and submitting claims through the streamlined onboarding process. It also facilitates easy collaboration with the finance team through interoperable systems connecting the expense management software with other systems like HRM and CRM systems, This results in expedited employee onboarding, enhancing the overall productivity and efficiency of HR and finance teams.

    Enhances trust between employees and employers

    When employee expense claims are processed within a short span of time, it contributes to building trust between employees and employers. Employees will get the impression that their employers appreciate their efforts and will want to take responsibility for corporate expenses. On the other hand, employers are more likely to trust their employees to efficiently manage necessary expenses without any bottleneck. The mutual trust will add to the sense of loyalty, which underlines better productivity from employees.

    Improved productivity for finance teams and HR:

    Besides the employees submitting claims, an expense management system will immensely help finance and HR teams. The automation that helps employees fastrack their reporting also aids finance and HR leaders in addressing issues or exceptions independently. The autonomy frees them from approval cycles, as they don’t have to engage in back-and-forth for approvals. All the stakeholders receive automated notifications and reminders. It doesn’t just reduce the claim processing time but also allows HR and finance teams to focus on critical tasks.

    Employees plan personal finances better:

    The expense management system gives employees a fair idea of reimbursement timelines. It helps them plan their financials efficiently through a transparent claims and reimbursement process. Instead of anticipating paychecks, employees can better plan their expenses and make smart decisions regarding bill payments and other obligations.

    Enhanced employee experience with the right expense management system

    Expense management systems introduce efficiency into your claims reporting and reimbursement workflow through automation. It allows you to create an integrated experience by digitizing budget allocation, claims approval, and processing payments. You can only maximize the advantage of automation by picking an expense management system like XPNS that works for your processes.

    XPNS is a one-of-its-kind expense management solution designed for small and medium businesses to streamline multi-level approval workflows. It accelerates your expense reporting and claims processing by automating request routing to relevant stakeholders.

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